How To Get Rid Of Overthinking-Stay happy

I Seeing in my life many consequences about overthinking that how people destroy their lives by their uncontrolled overthinking and started ruin their-self and felt inferiority complex that they are different from other.Here's I share my personal experience that  How To Get Rid of overthinking.


Overthinking means" Excess of Thinking"-Thinking a lot.This is a kind of thinking that is destructive and can damage your mentality and causes anxiety and depression.By Overthinking we put our life at risk. Overthinking is not bad(little bit) for analysis you have to think deeply.there are few people who have safe  levels  of Overthinking that are just pathological.Overthinking become fearful only  when it is uncontrolled.
Excess of murmuring insidely in your mind is exactly is very easy to fall in the trap of overthinking.its a mental habit that can be broke.

    " Destroy your negative vibes don't  Let  them to destroy you.."

Causes of Overthinking:-

Overthinking occurs when you are in self-doubt,when you only think instead of acting, and it also occurs when you don't accept the truth.the people fall in complex due to that phrases...when someone call him.....
  • You are ugly....?
  • you are a looser..?
  • you are stingy..?
  • you are fat.....?
  • you are poor...?

How To Overcome......?

       Its like a magic .....

  Take a deep breath......close your eyes for a few minutes and just forget your every thoughts and then started to read these points..

Analyze the problem:-

You should aware about your problem to change the direction .firstly only analyze the problem that  what the problem is..?what your mind say..?. and relaized that mostly thought of your mind is meaningless And trying to  avoid these thoughts ...forget them and trying to find the solution.don't tell your problem that you are bigger, fearful, tough make sure  them that your are a mind deader your are enough to tackle every problem

        " Believe on's a key to success." 

Spend time with children:-

Spend time with children they are the mind refresher.put yourself on the place of them that you  are also a child with a child sensor play with them talk with them you felt happiness within a few minutes. and  your  thoughts come to end.

         "The real Happiness is to make  others life happy." 

Replace your thought to third person:-

It's not easy to solve ownself problems easily.look your problems through an objective,third-person perspective.Replace your problem to third person problem and think about it that what would you suggest to that person to solve the problem. So you may get find solution easily.

Stayed positive:-

Overthinking may cause brain stroke when you don't relax your mind .To overcome overthinking stayed positive .Try to  spread positivity around us and stay with positive when your vibes are same so there is no distraction of any thing you don't feel complex.Away from negativity.

sunset over the horizon        Try  to relax your mind see the seen of sun arises on hill station there is no thoughts you forget your self your desires your dreams there is no place of overthinking.

Figure out the way.....find solution:-

Analyze the direction of the problem..."your thinking is about your future or about past"....?if have anxiety about your past mistakes and you underestimate yourself so  don't try to remove your past memory try to learn from this and give right  track to your life.


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